
Engage in 10x more conversations than traditional teleprospecting using the power of data and team dialing.

ProspectConnect combines five essential components to sort, prioritize, and strengthen an outbound calling campaign.

Team Dialing

One Sales Development Rep plus four Call Processing Agents equipped with four power/predictive dialers enables our rep to consistently make over 125 dials and have between 7-10 live conversations per hour, on average. We use SaaS software that makes outbound calls while our call processing agents navigate phone trees, gatekeepers, and receptionists, and instantly hand off live conversation with the target decision-maker to our Sales Development Reps.

Buyer-Intent Data

Wouldn’t it be nice to know which prospects are actually searching for your company’s products, attending industry trade shows, or subscribing to online newsletters? We work with a data partner that aggregates and organizes billions of internet actions, enabling us to target your prospects that are deeper in the buyer journey, seeking information on your products.


How fresh is your data? Contact data from our data partners is used to verify your target contact data and append with direct-dial phone numbers. The sales development rep’s best friend is a direct dial phone number. ProspectConnect draws from this high-value data, prioritizing the records containing direct connect phone lines.

Calling at the Best Time

ProspectHunter aggregates calling statistics from millions of phone calls and uses that data to determine the best leads to call at just the right time.

Install Technology

Our data partners index and archive billions of data records for installed technology. This knowledge is invaluable for companies selling technology or selling to companies using a specific technology platform. This data can also be used to conduct research, explore new markets, or even target competitors.

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See what the professionals at Prospect Hunter can do for your business.